Posts Tagged ‘organizing’
It’s The ‘Why’ That Makes Each Project Special
Helping Your Parents with Letting Go
Helping Your Parents with Letting Go
Have you tried telling your parents that it’s time to declutter and to let go of some of things? How did that go? It’s usually a difficult conversation because no one wants to be told to downsize. And sorting through a life-long collection of belongings is hard work. But I know you love your parents and want to help them. Whether you’re standing by their side as they sort, or you’re offering some advice on their decisions, it can be an anxiety-inducing and emotionally draining experience. So, I have a few tips I want to share with you.
It Has Sentimental Value
While it is okay to save things with sentimental value, it’s also okay to let them go. There is a little guilt that comes along with sentimental items, the feeling that we must hold on to things that span time. It’s important for your parents to know that they don’t have to feel bad about getting rid of things. They might need to hear that they have permission to let things go, such as family heirlooms and your childhood artwork they’ve been holding on to for you. Sorting through special things can be tough but passing them along can be so rewarding.
A Lifetime of Collections
We are all collectors, of something, at every age. Your parents have been growing and curating their belongings, surrounding themselves with the things they love. So, having to minimize is a tough one. Instead of ‘getting rid of’ these items, use a ‘less of’ approach. Give them lots of time to select the most special 3 (or 5) pieces in their collection that they will keep.
We Might Need It Later
Probably not. And when the time comes, will we be able to find it or even remember we have it? It doesn’t matter, because hanging on to things ‘just in case’ feels better. You can help your parents learn to live with less with a few organizing tips. First is to group like items, to eliminate duplicates scattered around the house. Then, sort areas by separating items used daily versus occasionally so they can find what they need when they need it. You’ll be surprised by how many extras you find of those ‘just in case’ items.
We can help! Another Opinion has vast experience with clients of all ages; helping with clutter, organization and downsizing. Call Staci at Another Opinion 314-623-4594
Refresh And Let Go- What To Keep And Let Go Of In 2020
Happy December! Here comes a new year and new decade. Let’s start the new year off right by taking the time to declutter and discard of all the things that are only, well, taking up space! It is the season of giving! So, let’s celebrate by not only giving to someone else, but also giving to yourself! Here are some tips on what you should be keeping and letting go of in the new year.
Give Yourself 3 Things…Let Go of 3 Things
Ask yourself this question, “Have I used this in the past 6 months?” Is the answer no? Then let it go! Think of your closet, and the clothes you haven’t touched in a while, and probably never will again! Gather 3 things (or more!) and take them to your local shelter or your favorite donation. A good tip to think of when giving and letting go of 3 things – one for yourself, one for someone else and one for your home!
Organize the Newly Open Space
Let’s go back to the closet. Now that you have let go of some of your clothes, wouldn’t it be the perfect time to clean and organize the whole thing? Those shoes we all have on our closet floor that are so cluttered, sometimes we can’t even find the other pair, let’s take care of that problem while we are at it! Buy a shoe organizer that will fit in your closet, so you’ll never have a missing shoe again. This goes back to giving to yourself and your home!
Bring Something In, Give Something Away
It is the holiday season and you will probably be having a lot of new things coming into your home. To prevent clutter from happening, try giving away something each time you get something new. If you have trouble with letting go or thinking of what to give away, try asking yourself, “Will I miss this item if it was gone tomorrow?” If the answer is no, let it go!
Learn From the Purge
To avoid making the mistake again this time next year, be mindful when it comes to shopping or how much stuff you are really bringing into your home. Start making smarter, more strategic choices going forward so you can avoid clutter.
Get Another Opinion
Do you need help with decluttering or purging? Or help with organizing? Another Opinion will help you get your new year started off right! Give Staci a call today at (314) 623-4594.
Who Do You Want To Be? … 3 Tips For How An Organized Home Can Help You Achieve It
Live your best life! Yes, please! But how exactly do you do that? Well, in my opinion, you choose to. And believe it or not, your home plays a big role in successfully living your best life. Home organization is more than just surviving day-to-day. With a little work and self-reflection, you’ll have a home that encourages you to be your best self. So, who do you want to be? Here are 3 tips that will get you started!
Eliminate the ‘Old You’ Clutter
If you haven’t taken a walk down memory lane in a while, it’s probably time. I mean, a good sort and purge of all of the leftovers from your ‘previous lives’. You’ll find these things inside those ‘Memories’ bins in storage, and from your closet to that overstuffed jewelry box. We all have stuff weighing us down that we haven’t dealt with or just never made a decision on. You have permission to shed the ‘old you’ and the things you don’t like anymore, but especially if it’s stale or a burden. Make way for the positive things you want to take up the space in your home, and also in your heart.
Fix Bad Habits
If daily life around your home is stressful and chaotic, it’s time for change. Don’t allow old ways and bad habits to challenge the daily life of you and your family. Take control of your surroundings by looking at your current patterns and behaviors, then reorganize your home so it positively impacts life. You can reset your course by creating new patterns that align with how you want to live. Now, you can focus on who you want to be.
Highlight Your Priorities
Time in your home is precious. It’s limited and should be a source of good for you. Whether you prefer an active home or a relaxed one, make sure your surroundings are a good foundation for your wellbeing. Design spaces that encourage you to be the person you want to be. So, set up that workshop, or the reading nook or whatever that space is that you’ve been thinking about. It might just be the first step to becoming a whole ‘new you’.
I hope you’re living your best life! It’s a choice you make every day. So, I encourage you to let go of the ‘old you’ weighing you down, fix what’s not working and surround yourself with a positive home that supports the vision of who you want to be.
If you want help achieving the BEST YOU with an organized home, call Staci today at Another Opinion 314-623-4594.
How to Teach Your Kids About Letting Go Using Their School Projects
We talk about giving ourselves permission to let go of things to avoid being overwhelmed in clutter. Well, we also need to start teaching our kids this same lesson. Now that school has started, the artwork and projects they bring home are quickly piling up. Here’s how to use these treasures to teach a valuable lesson about appreciating our things and then letting them go.
Create a Mini-Museum for Displaying Their Artwork
Create an intentional place in your home to be their artwork museum. Find the perfect room or wall space to set up a revolving display that you can change easily. You can use a tension string to clip on, a cork wall to pin up, empty frames or lots of fun ideas to display their work. Once you’ve set up the display, your kids will get excited about showing off their masterpieces! Now, getting their work home in good condition… that’s a challenge.
Treat Their Artwork Like a Masterpiece
When your little artist knows their creations will be on display, hopefully they will show extra care to get it home in one piece. Try to avoid the blackhole of the backpack! How about giving them a unique folder to use that helps them treat their work as special while protecting it on the journey home. As each new piece arrive home, post them up for all to see.
Give Your Museum a Limited Timeframe
More artwork is on the way, so determine a timeframe for how long you will keep adding to the current display. It can be a week, a month, or as long as you have space to fill up. Let your kids know their creations will not be on display forever, and by taking them down will make room for more beautiful things they’ll be creating soon.
Take a Moment to Celebrate
This is the best part! At the end of the timeframe, take an intentional moment as a family to view the artwork on display. Ooh and ah over each piece. Have them to tell you about it and, in turn, share what you love about their creations. After you’ve celebrated all of their hard work, it’s time to take the display down. But, before you trash it, you have a few options!
Making ‘Letting Go’ a Little Easier
Letting go of our things is hard, even as an adult. Let your kids (and maybe you too) select their favorite piece of artwork to keep. Remember, it’s ok to keep some things, just in moderation so you aren’t overwhelmed. Another great idea is to photograph their projects to create a photo album. It’s a much smaller way to collect memories than multiple storage bins in the basement. Or, have your kids re-invent their artwork into something else for a fun craft project and learn how to repurpose it!
You have an awesome opportunity while your kids are young to teach them how to let go. So, now is a good time if you want to avoid a stack of storage bins full of crumpled projects that I assure you, your kids will not want when it’s time to move out.
Are you overwhelmed? Give me a call, I’m happy to help. Staci at Another Opinion 314-623-4594.
Cultivate a Happy Home with Compromise
When it comes to keeping your home organized and running smoothly, you have to stay on your toes to manage the circus or it quickly turns to chaos. Add your family members in the mix and it takes all that you’ve got to keep the peace. You love them, but sometimes you might want to strangle them when they leave their stuff all over the place. With a little compromise and a new perspective, your home can be more organized and be easier to manage. Here’s how you do it.
Having ‘homes’ is your foundation to organization
An organized home starts with everything having a ‘home’. I repeat, you must have a home for everything. This is the hardest part, but it is critical to set yourself, and your home, up for success. Creating homes for your things allows you to set new rules in your home life with your family. There are no questions about where something goes if you make ‘giving your things a home’ a family affair.
Add drop zones
What is a ‘drop zone’ you ask? Well, this is the part that takes a bit of compromise. You let them be messy. But you get to tell them where to be messy. Deep breath. Create a few intentional spaces where everyone, including you, can drop your things without getting in trouble. Of course, everyone will still have be pick up after themselves, but it will be faster and easier to get done. When all the chaos is isolated in a specific zone, there will be less distraction when putting things away. And the bonus is when you realize there is a ‘home’ to put it!
Now you can let life happen
Here’s the best part. You’ve done the hard work and you have made it easier on yourself. Everything has a home now, and you can drop your things when you walk in the door. The new rules you created help everyone be more accountable to a happy home life. Now enjoy a new perspective for keeping your home organized and running smoothly…. Begin cultivating instead of managing. Managing is just maintaining. But, when you cultivate your home the intention is to make your surroundings better. You’ll be cultivating a happy home.
Get a little help if you need it
Another Opinion specializes in helping homeowners create positive relationships with their surroundings. If you want a little help getting started or finding compromise for your happy home give us a call. 314-623-4594
How to Quickly Reclaim a Space Overwhelmed by Summer Break Chaos
You walk into your house. You’re tired. You set your stuff down and immediately see a mess of stuff that has been left there by your family. The place looks like a grenade went off and exploded your kids’ belongings everywhere. Now, instead of feeling welcomed home, you feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Sound familiar?
Summer break can bring a lot of chaos to your home. With the kids out of their school routine and new activities started up for summer, your once organized home is now out of control. Don’t panic! Here’s a four-step process to help you reclaim any space quickly and easily.
- Assess the Situation
The first step to fixing anything is finding out where it all went wrong. Take a few minutes to assess what is causing chaos in a space that was once organized. New activities and the lazy days of summer are the likely culprits. Before you dig in to regain control, commit to what you want this space to be and how your family will use it. You might enjoy less arguing with your kids if you’re willing to accommodate their chaos as part of your strategy and intention for the space. And, remember it’s ok to have a summertime plan and a schooltime plan to maintain an organized home!
- Group Like Items
The fastest way to reclaim a space is to group like items. When you’re facing a mountain of chaos it’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. So, turn your brain off to get through the mound quicker. Literally, put cups with other cups, clothes with other clothes, etc. As you sort, you’ll begin to notice items that don’t belong, but also items you’re prepared to get rid of or need to be trashed (bonus!). Using this simple method to break down any overwhelmed space will make decisions easier as you move forward with reclaiming it.
- Reset the Space
Now that you’ve regained control and have an intention on how to use the space, you’re ready for the reset! Start by considering others in the family, not just yourself, when creating an organization plan. Make it easy for them! You will keep chaos from returning and minimize future arguments if your reset is based on their willingness to join your commitment. Use colors, labels, bins and nets, or other fun ideas that could inspire your family to pitch in and keep it clutter free. Create a simple plan, all about them, and make it fun…. Now, picking up can be a quick summer activity and not a boring chore.
- Celebrate with a Tour
Show off your hard work! Celebrate your ‘new space’ by giving your family a tour. This is a great way to pass down your intention for how the space should be used. Also, it’s your opportunity to show them what you’ve done, and help them connect and take ownership of their things. Again, make it all about them, that you set the space for it to be fun and easy to pick up. With celebration in your voice and a positive attitude, your family will be more willing to adopt a new behavior and appreciate what you’ve created for them.
Do you need help reclaiming your space? Are you’re struggling to maintain a clutter free home? It might be time to get help from a professional. Instead of letting your space overwhelm you, call Staci with Another Opinion at (314) 623-4594 for a free consultation.
The Emotion Quotient: What Home Buyers Need From You To Say ‘Yes’
If you’re selling your home, you’re likely working hard on updates, cleaning and repairing. And, you’re hoping that all of your hard work will be your worth it. Well, it’s not just your home’s condition, price and location that buyers are looking for. It’s the emotional connection that seals the deal, and ultimately gets them to say yes, faster and potentially make a higher offer. You need to help them discover what is truly unique about your home. How do you do it?
Getting Them To Your Door, Then What
No pressure, but your photos are critical. Don’t take preparing for the photographer lightly. Potential buyers need to be intrigued enough with what they see to ask for a showing. If your home is empty or virtually staged, you might get buyers to the curb, but will leave them feeling empty as well when they walk through the door. Vacant spaces make many people feel uncomfortable. But when a home is staged with furnishings it allows buyers to connect with the home, see its potential and feel at ease.
Give Them Moments
It’s when they sigh and say, ‘ah I think I could live here’ moment. Give buyers intentional moments to emotionally connect with your home. Areas such as inside the front door, kitchen, family room, master bedroom and bathroom are fantastic to feature because they are spaces that invoke our emotions during daily living in our homes. When preparing to sell, you should consider how you want buyers to feel as they experience your home, from the curb all the way through to the back yard.
Eliminate Questions and Worry
The way you live in your home and how well you maintained it are a top concern for potential buyers.
They have high expectations, such as wishing for everything to be brand new and never been used. But in reality, you have to give them piece of mind. Your time, energy and some money for repairs and updates will show you’ve given the home some TLC. But a neglected home, with sights that are displeasing will give buyers increasing worries about its true condition.
As If The Home is Waiting For Them
They really do want to move in today. A buyer would, if they could. So, build on that excitement by showing the home as if it’s waiting for them. Pack up your belongings and remove the stamp of ‘your home’ to appeal to as many buyers as possible. You want them to consider their daily life in this home, so you must free up space to allow buyers to dream.
Selling your home is a time to be empowered. So be a seller that gives buyers every opportunity to find what they are looking for. What truly makes your home unique to a buyer is not it’s condition, price or location. It’s the emotional connection they hope to make after viewing your photos.
You and your family can do a lot on your own to prepare for buyers, but you may need a professional eye to identify the flaws that could turn them off and the qualities that will draw them in. To get started, contact Staci for a ‘Get Your Real Estate Ready’ consultation today!
Spring Cleaning and The Joy of Letting Go

Whether you’ve read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upor seen the Netflix original, “Tidying Up,” (or neither) you’ve probably heard of Marie Kondo. She’s been changing the lives of people all over the globe, and it’s not by accident – there really is something to the idea that cleaning up and decluttering our space can help us live happier, more fulfilling lives. Of course, you can declutter whenever the mood strikes you, but with spring coming just around the corner, it’s a great time to get rid of some of the old things you never use anymore while also doing some spring cleaning.
Love Your Less
You’ve probably heard the phrase “less is more,” and although it’s not always true, it certainly can apply to your home, because the less you have, the more you enjoy what you do have. To test this theory for yourself, I challenge you to choose two items from any category of which you have more than two items. Whether it’s mugs, purses, or anything else that might be taking up space in your home without getting much use, try getting rid of all but two of them and see how you feel afterwards.
Not only is it easier to stay organized when you keep your collections to a minimum, but it also means you get the most out of the items you do keep, making sure you get your money’s worth for the items you paid for and that you fully appreciate the items that were given to you as gifts.
The Fix-It Box
Not all items have gone unused because they have duplicates. Sometimes things break and we don’t always get around to fixing them. So, while you’re decluttering your home and coming across these items you haven’t gotten around to fixing, put them in a separate box to be fixed later. Once you’re done with your spring cleaning and decluttering, tackle that box next instead of leaving it to sit around and gather dust for a few more years until your next big cleaning/decluttering spree. If there’s anything in there you can’t fix yourself, take it to someone who can. Any items that are beyond repair go in the recycling or the trash (remember to recycle your electronics and batteries).
On the other hand, if they’ve gone a significant amount of time without being used (months, or even years) it might be time to just throw it out or donate it. If you didn’t miss it when it was broken, you won’t miss it when it’s gone.
The Put-Away Box
While you’re cleaning and decluttering, you’re bound to find some things in places they don’t belong. Whether it’s a mug hiding in the bathroom cabinet or hair clips in your jewelry box, you need to resist the urge to stop what you’re doing to put those lost items away, because once you get distracted, you’re much less likely to finish the task at hand. Use a Put-Away Box to place all those lost items and go back to cleaning up. Once you’re done with your spring cleaning and decluttering, only then should you take the time to put away all the lost items you found.
Another Opinion Helps You To Love Your Less
Whether you need some tips on organizing to keep your home clean and welcoming, or you want some help sorting your belongings into keep, donate, and discard, give me a call me at (314) 623-4594 or contact me so we can get you started today on creating a space that allows you to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Design What YOUR Heart Wants
We’re often told to follow our hearts, and I firmly believe that is good advice that works as well for interior design as anything else. At the same time, we’re often told what we should love based on what’s in style at that particular moment. Whether it’s Pantone’s Color of the Year, or a certain style of furniture, it can be tempting to try to convince yourself that you love what everyone else loves … but do you, really?
Love Your Space
Since you’re the one who has to live in your space, you should make sure you absolutely love it. If the color of the year makes you want to puke, then you should absolutely not splash it all over your walls and furniture.
Your home is your space and it should be your sanctuary. If you don’t feel comfortable with everything in it, what’s the point?
Rules Were Meant to Be Broken
You can follow the rules, or you can choose to stand out. There’s nothing wrong with painting the living room your favorite color, even if the “experts” try to tell you that color is too bold or oppressive. If that color makes you feel great, you should use it. Designing your space is all about creating a space you’ll love, and if that means having your favorite color on display everywhere, then go for it.
It’s OK to Be Trendy
At the same time, it’s OK to go with the trend of the moment. If painting your kitchen the same color everyone else is painting their kitchen that year is going to date it, that’s OK. There’s nothing wrong with everyone being able to tell when you painted your kitchen as long as you love spending time in there while it’s your kitchen.
Be Strategic
If you like keeping up with the current trends, here’s a trick I like to use: select main pieces that work with everything and then choose trendy accent pieces. This makes updating your space to keep up with changing trends much easier and more affordable than redesigning the entire room (or house).
Ask for Help
Despite what some people have come to believe, professional designers and organizers are not here to tell you what to do with your space. We’re here to use our knowledge of space, color, and light to help you create a home you’ll love. We’re aware of the current trends, and while we might guide you to certain styles that are popular if we know they align with your particular sense of taste, we would never tell you to create a space you don’t absolutely love just because it’s trendy. If you love it, then it will always be in style.
If you’ve been thinking of redesigning your space, but you’re not sure where to begin, call me at (314) 623-4594 to get started today. We can go over trends, your likes and dislikes, and your goals for your space to help you create a home that is truly yours.