Posts Tagged ‘deal with it later’
Helping Your Parents with Letting Go
Helping Your Parents with Letting Go
Have you tried telling your parents that it’s time to declutter and to let go of some of things? How did that go? It’s usually a difficult conversation because no one wants to be told to downsize. And sorting through a life-long collection of belongings is hard work. But I know you love your parents and want to help them. Whether you’re standing by their side as they sort, or you’re offering some advice on their decisions, it can be an anxiety-inducing and emotionally draining experience. So, I have a few tips I want to share with you.
It Has Sentimental Value
While it is okay to save things with sentimental value, it’s also okay to let them go. There is a little guilt that comes along with sentimental items, the feeling that we must hold on to things that span time. It’s important for your parents to know that they don’t have to feel bad about getting rid of things. They might need to hear that they have permission to let things go, such as family heirlooms and your childhood artwork they’ve been holding on to for you. Sorting through special things can be tough but passing them along can be so rewarding.
A Lifetime of Collections
We are all collectors, of something, at every age. Your parents have been growing and curating their belongings, surrounding themselves with the things they love. So, having to minimize is a tough one. Instead of ‘getting rid of’ these items, use a ‘less of’ approach. Give them lots of time to select the most special 3 (or 5) pieces in their collection that they will keep.
We Might Need It Later
Probably not. And when the time comes, will we be able to find it or even remember we have it? It doesn’t matter, because hanging on to things ‘just in case’ feels better. You can help your parents learn to live with less with a few organizing tips. First is to group like items, to eliminate duplicates scattered around the house. Then, sort areas by separating items used daily versus occasionally so they can find what they need when they need it. You’ll be surprised by how many extras you find of those ‘just in case’ items.
We can help! Another Opinion has vast experience with clients of all ages; helping with clutter, organization and downsizing. Call Staci at Another Opinion 314-623-4594
Choose Peace Of Mind By Not Saying ‘I’ll Deal With It Later’
We all do it, me included. When we’re busy living life, we procrastinate with putting stuff away. It seems so simple that, yes, I WILL deal with that later. But when we don’t, that’s when our home starts getting out of control and becoming a toxic environment. Good news! We all get a fresh start this new year! So, don’t drag a bad habit into 2019. Here are few helpful tips on how to make a positive change and create a happier and peaceful home.
Recognize your ‘I’ll deal with it later’ habit
This is a bad habit most of us struggle with daily. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just start to recognize when you’re pushing stuff off for later and why you’re doing it. Knowing your behavior will help you set a course for positive change.
Fact: You really won’t do it later
Procrastination is contagious. Each time we delay becomes a reason to do it again later. However, once you commit to ‘settling’ the chaos you find a more peaceful home. If you can’t do it daily, then weekly is a must. The more often you pick up, the easier and faster it will be next time. Committing to a quick sweep around your home can be contagious too!
Don’t just tuck it away either
That’s not dealing with it. Tucking things away in a bag, basket or drawer so they’re out of sight in that moment is only going to make your chaos worse. Out of site is out of mind because now things get lost. When you see your visual chaos, you can own up to it and will commit to dealing with it. Again, don’t beat yourself up, recognize and change course.
Choose peace of mind
Choosing to deal with something later, doesn’t get it if off your mind. Frankly, it becomes another spinning plate in the back, wreaking havoc on your state of mind, in addition to your home. You deserve a peaceful home, so choose to give yourself peace of mind. Choose now.
Ask for help
Do you want help making changes that will create a happier and peaceful home? Call Staci at Another Opinion today (314) 623-4594.